Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Attainment: 2 - i mean i do the work thats due with no excuses so far... and produced the independant study, but my minds been everywhere with three c/w's.

Effort: 2 - i try my best at this very time with all the work im set in the time im given to do it whether its in class or homework. but i know i can definatley try harder

Punctuality: 2 - i've been late to lessons at some point like today, i guess i will try harder to be punctual...i will by sleeping earlier in the morinings for first period but on thursdays im sure i'll come to school on time before luch ends. also it will get better as i was off at uni open days and interviews, thats the end of that now.

Submission and quality of homework: 1 - works always on time, Independant study on time and blog work is also done.

Ability to work independently: 1 - the independant study proves this, but these tasks you set like goodness gracious me clips and other blof work, shows i work well independantly.

Quality of writing: 2.5 - needs major improvement, i know i want to say but don't word it write, probably because it's rushed sometimes. but this was certainly not the point with the independant study!

Organisation of Media folder: 1 - the folder is all gooooood, all hand outs ar placed neatly and locatable.

Oral contributions in class: 2 - i contribute at certain times however i should more often, sometimes it's just the case who speaks fisrt or if the points already said.

Contribution to the debate team: 1 - seeming as i'm one of the speaker i think i'm doing contributing alot as well researching.

Extra-curricular work (film projects etc.): 2 - i mean i've been workin on my own video clips from the trip to blackpool with the boys.. try make a teen trailer out of it and also helped jagjeet with the school music video.

Standard of Module 5 blog: 1 - its pretty good as it has all my research for the media independant study, also its titled sufficiently.

Standard of Module 6 blog: 2 - it gets updated with media news often but need to keep up sometimes i forget.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

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