Friday, 19 October 2007

Attainment – B, I think I have worked for a b as I have analysed and research for my blog and my h/w is to a good standard.

Effort – 2, work hard on my homework, but could make more contribution in lessons.

Punctuality – 1, I’ve been coming to lesson and haven’t been absent so far.

Submission and quality of homework – 2, always handed my homework on time but could make it more detailed.

Ability to work independently – 2, I work well independently when work set, could do a bit more self directed research.

Quality of writing – 2, I write good and detailed analyse texts well.
Organisation of Media folder – 3, I need to sort that out a bit.

Oral contributions in class – 3, could make more contribution in lessons, when i do contribute its mind altering stuff.

Standard of Module 5 blog – 3, looks sick, have a lot of visual texts, but need to add more posts.

Standard of Module 6 blog – 2, I’ve done a not a lot of research but to a good standard and the research I have found is really good, also lots of visual analysis.

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